Wednesday, October 9, 2013

There's a New Milkman in Town: Silk Almond Milk Ad

Of course the idea of vegan food alternatives being advertised nationally is appealing and this ad has its humorous merit. But, the gender stereotyping portrayed here is an extension of an ongoing sexualization of meat that perpetuates the idea that being compassionate is somehow feminine and therefore should be avoided.  In an attempt to masculiniize almond milk we are subjected to a ridiculously macho "milk man" who pretty much assaults and abuses a young man having breakfast. Is he his mother's new boyfriend? Yikes! It also denigrates cows themselves by claiming that drinks for people are somehow superior to drinks for "parched heifers."

While I give Silk a thumbs up for pointing out the fact that humans are the only species of animals who drink another species' milk AND the only species to drink milk at all as adults, this ad is offensive on other levels that shouldn't be encouraged.

[T]he war on compassion has caused people to believe that they have to help humans first. As long as we treat animals as animals, as long as we accept there is the category "animals," both the treatment and the concept will legitimize the treatment of humans like animals. - Carol J. Adams, The War on Compassion 2006

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