Sunday, September 1, 2013

Other Reactions to Veganism Born of Moral Hypocrisy

Recently another friend of mine (a self-proclaimed animal lover) posted an image on Facebook in response to my veganism.

While this may seem innocuous and comical it exposes the unease that most people who eat meat feel when confronted by the moral hypocrisy of claiming to love animals while continuing to participate in their slaughter. It also inadvertently supports speciesism by likening animals with inanimate objects.

If our moral intuition about animals were unfounded, we would indeed take the same level of issue with watching someone pick a flower and another torturing a cat. But we don't and that is because animals are sentient and plants are not. Here's another image for consideration on this issue.

Tomato plants, nonhuman animals, and humans all live and eventually die; only those in the latter two groups have the capacity to feel pain and suffer. -- Bernstein, Mark H.

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